D2 Checklist D2 Checklist  Home Gear Todo VendorsClans

to see bounty availabilities (this requires a private endpoint that doesn't work otherwise)

D2Checklist uses the Bungie API to help make achieving your goals in Destiny easier and more fun.

Player Page

Search on your gamertag or logon and use "My Info" to see your player page. This page is great for tracking your weekly milestones, bounties, quests, and triumphs. You can also look up other players to check their raid completions or progress

Gear Management

The D2Checklist gear manager lets you view all your gear in a clean table format for sorting and tagging. It will flag God rolls on your guns and help you keep your vault clean and tidy. Be sure to check out Shard Mode, Cheap Upgrade Mode, and Weapon Grind Mode!

Home page

This home page is a great place to check what's going on today at a glance. Things like today's Legendary Lost sectors and this week's strike burns. It will also show you vendor items that you should check out, like armor with better rolls than you're currently holding, or exotic gear Xur is selling that you're missing.

Clan Info

You can search for a clan or sign in and click "My Clan" to view clan info. It's a great tool for clan leaders to find duplicate members or folks that haven't played in a while. The Clan Milestones and Triumphs pages are a great way to check out which of your clanmates share a similar goal with you, so you can reach out and party up with them (perhaps to win 5 more Gambit matches to gild your Dredgen).

Todo List

The Todo list let's you custom build your own list of bounties, quests and milestones to work on.

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